March - August 2008

March - August 2008
Route: London --- Delhi (see Rajastan and the Golden Triangle before flying to Amritsar and Chandigar). Delhi --- Hong Kong (a short stay). Hong Kong --- Tokyo (catch the shinkansen north to Sapporo and back - with a few stops on the way). Tokyo --- Beijing (travel overland via Xi'an and the Yellow River to Shanghai). Shanghai --- Hong Kong and then hop on the ferry to Macau for a flight to Bangkok. Then travel overland to Chiang Mai, through Laos and then back down to Bangkok (to catch a flight to London for a wedding). From Bangok travel down to Singapore via Malysia, before flying to Oceania.

19 June 2008

Nanjing Photos (in the rain)

Umbrellas in Nanjing!

If it wasn't raining it looked pretty bleak, as you can see across the lakes towards the centre of town. This is partially due to the Chinese smog though - most places over here don't see a truly blue sky very often.
A very neon-lit arcade - with a very blue Vicki feeling self conscious in the middle.

A very scared Gary about to go for a hair cut. This is his first of the holiday (put off until his hair got incredibly long and floppy due to cowardice). He definitely needed it!

An even more scared Gary after the haircut... He wants to go back to Peppy's in Cambridge for another one! Very fussy if you ask me :)

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